Die Göttin der Digitalen Transformation (1/2)

Goddess of Digitalization
Goddess of Digitalization

17/05/20 Ganz schön viel geht gerade kaputt. Ist digitale Transformation ausreichend für wirklich gute Lösungen? Oder braucht es nicht doch etwas mehr?

The Goddess of Digital Transformation

After so many months of Corona crisis local and world business lie down in dust and ashes, dirt and pieces.

Goddess of digital transformation Comic Strip
Goddess of digital transformation Comic Strip

Desperation and despair rule everywhere. But hope never dies when she arises: The Goddess of Digital, Social & Economic Transformation!

Goddess of digital transformation Comic Strip
Goddess of digital transformation Comic Strip

She opens new digital commerce channels, brings hopefully better ethics, transparency, trust, communication and self awareness. 

Goddess of digital transformation Comic Strip
Goddess of digital transformation Comic Strip
Goddess of digital transformation Comic Strip
Goddess of digital transformation shares her wisdom

And she shares her digital wisdom with everyone: small and big businessesm stores and companies. All managers, male, female and else, get enlighted. Will she save everyone? Will we ever know?

Stephan Probst

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Stephan Probst unter pole-position(at)drive.eu - frohe Botschaften für alle. Stephan ist DRIVE und seine Begeisterung reißt alle in der Agentur mit.