Development and Creation of a Midwife Search for Expectant Parents

The Hebammenzentrale Region Hannover helps expectant parents find a midwife. DRIVE was asked to create and develope the website - a wonderful project!

Searching for the right midwife can be a daunting task - many pregnant women struggle to find an available professional in their region. The Hebammenzentrale Region Hannover has a solution: a new website with an easy to use search matching midwifes to parents. Midwifes enter their availabilites, area, and services - parents can employ the search to find the perfect medical professional.

Hebammenzentrale Region Hannover was funded by the Region Hannover and is sponsored by pro familia Landesverband Niedersachsen e.V. The Hebammenverband Niedersachsen e.V. takes the role of cooperation partner.

DRIVE's tasks

An exciting project, isn't it?

Your contact at DRIVE: pole-position[at]